Groups that work on similar research areas with which either this group or its single members collaborate
Research subjects: ancient drama, history, poetics, philosophy
Collaborators from the group: Jaume Pòrtulas, Maite Clavo, Xavier Riu, Montserrat Reig, Joan-Josep Mussarra, Montserrat Nogueras, Joan Silva, Sergi Grau, Àngel Martín
Research subjects: ancient drama (ancient and contemporary dramaturgy)
In charge of the group: Anna Albertina Beltrametti, Stefano Caneva, Francesco Massa, Patrizia Pinotti, Massimo Stella. Amb la col·laboració de M.Teresa Clavo Sebastián.
Research subjects: classical tradition in the world of images (plastic arts, cinema, theatre, comic...).
Collaborators from the group: M.Teresa Clavo Sebastián, Martina Treu, Jesús Carruesco, Pau Gilabert, Xavier Riu, Montserrat Reig.
Research subjects: myth, drama and science in the fight against breast cancer.
Collaborators from the group: M.Teresa Clavo Sebastián, Anna Albertina Beltrametti, Patrizia Pinotti.
Network of Universities for the promotion of classical studies, the development of transfrontier university collaboration and contacts between students and teachers-researchers.
Collaborators from the group: Claude Calame, Anna Beltrametti, Jaume Pòrtulas, Maite Clavo, Martina Treu, Xavier Riu, Montserrat Reig, Jesús Carruesco, Patrizia Pinotti, Massimo Stella, Montserrat Nogueras, Joan-Josep Mussarra, Stefano Caneva, Francesco Massa, Àngel Martín, Pau Gilabert.
Online Etymological Dictionary of Greek Mythology.
In charge of the group: Ezio Pellizer, Carla Zufferli, Francesca Marzari.
Collaborators from the group: Xavier Riu, Jaume Pòrtulas, Montserrat Reig, Jesús Carruesco.