Postdoctoral Associate in Papyrology

In conjunction with the Ramón y Cajal project RYC2020-030116-I ‘The Anonymity of Hexameter Papyri’, funded by the European Social Fund via the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, we are inviting applications for a postdoctoral associate position in literary papyrology, to begin September 1, 2023. The post is tenable until 13 March 2024.
The successful candidate will have obtained, or be close to obtaining (within six months of submission), a PhD in either Classics or Papyrology; have an excellent command of both Latin and Ancient Greek; excellent writing skills in English; and research experience in the area of Literary Papyrology.
The appointee will work with the P.I. Dr Marco Perale on the publication of vol. 2 of Adespota Papyracea Hexametra Graeca ( and assist in the organization of a research colloquium to be held at the University of Barcelona in the next academic year.
This is a full-time research post. Salary (brutto) will be 2,102 EUR p/m.
Interested and qualified candidates are required to upload a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, and one writing sample (publication or dissertation chapter) to the University’s HR website ( =381096). Letters of reference are not required.
Candidates who are not employees of the Universitat de Barcelona should follow the instructions at the following address: 
Deadline for applications is 3 April 2023 (11:59pm Spanish time).
The committee will review applications and conduct interviews by Zoom in May 2023.
Selection criteria will be as follows: CV 70/100, broken down as Doctorate/Match between profile and project (20), Academic Experience (20), Publications (20), Linguistic Competence (10); Cover Letter 10/100; Interview 20/100. Candidates scoring 50/80 or higher in the first evaluation stage will be invited to interview.
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